How important is diet, alcohol and caffeine to the heart?
Dr Syed Ahsan

Psychological impact of heart conditions
Dr Syed Ahsan

Heart screening
Dr Syed Ahsan

5 causes of irregular heart beats
Dr Syed Ahsan

What is wolfe parkinson white syndrome?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
Leading London Cardiologist Dr. Syed Ahsan defines Wolfe Parkinson White Syndrome as an extra bit of wiring that connects the top and bottom of the heart, in effect ‘short circuiting’ the heart. The heart can conduct extremely rapidly, leading to sudden death.

What is inappropriate sinus tachycardia?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
Dr. Syed Ahsan defines inappropriate sinus tachycardia as a fast racing of your heart at times that it should not be racing.
Video Transcript
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia is a fast racing of your heart at times when your heart shouldn't be racing. Sinus means a normal rhythm, and tachycardia means fast, and inappropriate means that your heart is going fast when you're sitting down, or lying in bed, or doing very little exercise.

What is the covid 19 risk to people with heart disease?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Transcript
Your risk of developing heart disease with COVID-19 is not significantly high unless you suffer from preexisting heart disease, such as heart failure, cardiomyopathy, coronary artery disease, or certain types of arrhythmia. If you have heart conditions which are well controlled, this risk is lower....

What is heart block?
Dr Syed Ahsan
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Dr. Syed Ahsan explains that heart block refers to when the electrics in the top and bottom of the heart are not communicating, and can lead to shortness of breath, dizziness and black outs.

I have high cholesterol, is it dangerous?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
High cholesterol isn't necessarily dangerous as it doesn't cause any symptoms, says Dr Syed Ahsan, Consultant Cardiologist. However, in the long-term to reduce your risk of heart disease your cholesterol levels will need to be reduced. It is recommended to make a number of lifestyle changes including taking up exercise and give up smoking.

What are the most important factors for maintaining a healthy heart?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
Looking to maintain a healthy heart? Dr. Syed Ahsan explains that a good diet, lessening alcohol consumption, limiting caffiene and getting regular exercise can all help maintain a healthy heart.

What are the dangers of high cholesterol?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
What are the dangers of high cholesterol? Dr Syed Ahsan, one of our Consultant Cardiologists, explains that high cholesterol is unlikely to cause any direct problems. However, over time it can cause the arteries to fur and lead to heart attacks and strokes.

What are the different types of abnormal heart rhythms?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Syed Ahsan explains the different types of abnormal heart rhythms, including extra beats coming from the bottom of the heart, irregular heart beats and a fast regular rhythms, and SVTs.

If I feel I have an abnormal heart rhythm what should I do?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
What should you do if you feel you have an abnormal heart rhythm? Dr. Syed Ahsan advises that you should seek further advice if this is coupled with shortness of breath, dizziness and chest pain.
Video Transcript
If you're having ongoing abnormal heart rhythms, if your heart is beating very fast, or if you're feeling short of breath, or dizzy, or have chest pain with these episodes, you should seek further advice.

What are the top treatment options for irregular heart beats?
Dr. Syed Ahsan
Video Description
Dr. Syed Ahsan advises that the most important thing when assessing your irregular heart beats is to assess whether you are likely to form blood clots, followed by medication to control your heart rate, and minimally invasive procedures.

What are the best heart screening tests?
Dr Syed Ahsan
Video Description
Dr Syed Ahsan lists some of the best heart screening tests, including a physical examination, an ECG, an echo scan, an exercise treadmill test, and a CPX test, as well as routine blood tests.

Top 5 myths about the heart
Dr Syed Ahsan
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Dr. Syed Ahsan details the top myths about heart problems, including: chest pain solely being due to your heart; being ‘too old’ to stop smoking; and that palpitations always lead to a heart attack.

What are bigeminy and trigeminy?
Dr. Syed Ahsan
Video Description
Dr. Syed Ahsan explains the difference between bigeminy and trigeminy, which are extra, foreceful beats that occur in twos and threes.