The device consists of a portable blood pressure meter that is fitted around your arm with a cuff, connected by a thin tube to a monitor on a belt around your waist.
A 24-hour BP monitor can measure your blood pressure and heart rate, and also allow your blood pressure distribution pattern to be calculated.
The device has two main parts. One part is the portable blood pressure meter that attaches to a cuff and goes around your upper arm.
This meter is connected by a thin tube to the monitor. The monitor is located in a small black pouch. It is worn on a belt around your waist, or in some cases a strap that goes over the shoulder.
A 24-hour BP monitor works by measuring your blood pressure at 15- to 30-minute intervals. When the device is recording, you’ll feel the cuff inflate. After the 24 hours is finished, you will come to the clinic with the monitor, and we can download the information it has recorded. Sometimes we’ll request specific data to discuss with you in your follow-up appointment.